I am obsessed with the horror genre of film and books. So I thought it would be perfect to combine the both of them into an interactive novel-like structure.
One of my favorite movies is The Company of Wolves, a British-gothic horror from the 1980's. It is based off of Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber and they both use cues from werewolf lore and Little Red Riding Hood tales. Something I love the most about the film is the use of physical effects (I will always appreciate them to computer generated).
In the spirit of the Halloween season (aka the greatest time of year), I wanted to develop a project that really told all the stories within the story of The Company of Wolves. I took quotes from both the film and The Bloody Chamber and then created my own story by filling in the rest and tweaking some endings here and there. I wanted to be able to move through the stories without any definite direction. Overall, I think it turned out pretty well using a flipbook maker. It was hard to find a free maker that gave me exactly what I wanted but FlipSnack definitely gave me the most. To link stories together, I put them in both the flipbook and a blog on WordPress.
To navigate this interactive story, you can either go to the DigitalWolvesProject page and read from there or follow the story through the flip book.
I'd like to add, most images are from the film but several images including the one shown above and the cover were edited by me.
I suggest reading it in fullscreen, but to open a link you must either have your pop-up blocker off or escape fullscreen and click on the widget.
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