Thursday, November 19, 2015

Locative Narrative Practice

To start, I don't know where my mind has been this past week and a half. I am falling apart at the seams in one way or another. Time to snap out of it.

I've been working on a lot of projects recently, many of them being at my internship. Program ads, catalogs, and one-sheeter handouts seem to be running my life now. But I'm happy with that. I've been feeling really important with I'm doing. As for classes, a subject I'm dipping my feet in is Locative Narrative Writing.

I teamed up with a classmate (Rachel Addoms) and tested out some Locative Narrative methods by mixing photography, storytelling, and social media. It was a simple recipe: take pictures around campus, geotag them, and tweet a little story pertaining to the photo. We were of course using daily life at UPJ to demonstrate this.

We didn't post them in the best order possible, but I've arranged them into the narrative we were after here:

Looking at what we came up with, I'd say we have it sweet here. Despite a night shift and some noise (we couldn't capture hustle and bustle so late in the afternoon), our campus is easy going. Of course I wanted to include food. How can it not be someone's favorite thing?

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